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This Is My Show

Shakz Kimchi

I'm like an American but I don't have guns.

I write what i like, not to please you. So if you're not interested, you don't have to leave. It enthralles the shit outta me.

I am not boy-lingual.Thank you.

hearts talking.

alternative exits.

my days, not yours.

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Sunday, February 21, 2010

[#Now playing: Sea of Love - Cat Power]

I like to confuse people. Big time.
With just the power of words, sometimes.
That is pretty much contradicting because i hate confused people.
It's just confusingly irritating.
Make a choice and put your stand into it.
Not like a minute, a week later you try to pull yourself out of your own choice.
Can't you just make up your birdbrain mind?
The choice you make may affect so many people you might not realise around you.
And sometimes you make a decision because of the people around you.
Are you confused now after reading this?

I know of a few people (oh why must they be girls)
they are so shallow and superficial.
They judge people with how people dressed and what kinda music they listen to.
If you don't dress the same or you don't listen to the same music,
you're not cool enough to be their friend.
How stupid is that?
They should curl up into a furball, be choked by a cat and die.

I haven't updated my blog for what it seems like forever.
And finally I am here today to go on ranting like a pussy.
Oh nooooo. This is nooo good.
It amuses me how media affects people.
If i leave some dark parts of my life that has been happening in the real nasty world,
out and don't mention it here
Do you think I've been enjoying myself?
Too busy to even update?
I am busy fighting to be strong,
hanging on to things to pull myself back up again.
Searching for that somewhere that shines in these darkest times.

PS, I'll update sooner than you know it. Promise!



Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's been almost a year.

Well, guess what. I'm here to ignite this lifeless thing back to life.

Let's kick some butt.

I am still crazy and hyper and still trying my best to try and keep my mouth shut.

Have a bunch of crazy classmates and football mates.

Yes, i still love running around for just one stupid ball.

Talking about it, it's been a while.

People come and go in life, it's something inevitable.

Even your old friends, there's so many of them.

But only the few remains while the rest don't know what happens to them.

Erwany, Laila and Andrea.

I miss you guys, truckloads.

24th October 2009 - yesterday;

Happy 3rd Death Anniversary, Danil Shagimardanov.

How time flies so fast. 3 years IS long.

People may think i overreact, but screw them.

I miss you too, i really do.

Hope you're still kickin' ass too, somewhere (:

And happy 19th, dude.

It's been a year since i met them who went over to your place yesterday,

i guess it's the only time we could meet up and try to catch up.

But i don't see the point for catching up. Don't ask me why.

And oh yeah, it's uncool to be cool.


Taper Jeans Girl - Kings of Leon



Saturday, January 10, 2009

[Listening to: Eyes Set To Kill - Pure White Lace]

o level results in less than 2 days.
it's definitely sucking all the nerves in me.
horrendously petrifying.

i have the list all ready,
lest if i do well or if i were to, FAIL.
i can feel panic spiralling.

but whatever happens, happen.
i'm in for the worst.
so bring it on.

and oh yes,
two things i highly recommend.

firstly, go watch SEVEN POUNDS.
if you like the movie I Am Legend,
you'll love this.
i got all emotional and teary.
and also sadly, from this movie,
it clearly proves that age is really catching up on Will Smith.

(even tho it's free for me. hahaha. thanks again, Z.)

secondly, you just have to read THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE.
i'm looking for the movie, anyone?
Love is always intensified by absence, or is it?
"If you feel like you lost a friend after reading the book, that proves how good it is."

now i'll go back to what i was doing,
my dad's anticipation for a good deal is just too tempting, damn it.


I guess i screw things up again.
I'm sorry.
Or are you just the same?
Dazed and Confused


Monday, December 29, 2008

[Listening to: Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Bestshot]

This goes out to all the angsty ladies who's having a hard time dealing with those total idiots whom we refer to as, MEN.
Well, whether you like it or not, we all know that armageddon is coming after our bahookies(butts).
(Don't even get me started on 2012 cause personally, i think it's bullcrap.)

So anyways, the Holy Qur'an states that there'll be more women than men. I'm not saying that you should now turn your head to people from the same sex BUT, let me amplify what happens next.

Being the chauvinists bunch of creatures having a banana between two oranges, we'll only feed to their ego due to the fact that there'll be more competition in women getting men. Majority of women depends on men, since men make their world go round *like how my eyes rolling now when i typed that* On the contrary, men will feel vastly worshipped, leading to the severe inflatation of their heads.

From this, women will be looked as desperados and will always be at the loosing end.
Why is that so? It's because men tend to leave us, the women, when we screw the smallest things up. Or when they start to find things are getting mundane.

So you shitheads who's having a hard time with them,
you better be off going and NOT look back.
And for you who thinks that you're so lucky to have find the right one, start planning on how to keep your man right next to you. Remember, always be exciting.

The bottom line, men are superficial as they are made to be. Never be to vulnerable.

Now, let's all turn to a tough cookie :D

I'm definitely not interested with their silly games. Or am i? D: Haaahaa.


And so here are some random pictures.

Try fitting in Ahmad Adam, Seowling, Daming, Lihui and Jeff into the picture.
ANDREA EE ZIWEI's Sweet-16 surprise party!

I'm sure you had an awesome time, chica!
The few weeks of self-planning turned out great.
You totally didn't know what's happening.

Thank you
Hanisah, Joey, Jolyn, Erwany, Ayu, Ian, Benny, Kenneth, Daryl and Kenneth.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

I miss you;
I miss your hug.
I miss your smile.
I miss your smell.
I miss your love.

I miss you;
I miss you calling my name.
I miss you kissing my forehead randomly.
I miss you trying your best to tie my hair neatly.
I miss you looking at me in the eye and tell me that you're feeling happy.

I miss you;
I miss the times when we played stupid games and let me win.
I miss the times when you sent me noisy love songs.
I miss the times when we laughed over practically nothing.
I miss the times when you cycle all the way just to meet me.

I miss you;
I miss the cute name callings.
I miss the late night phone calls.
I miss the argument over who should end the call first.
I miss the way you try to annoy me cause you just can't.

I'd die a thousand deaths
for mastering enough guts to say this

But simply,
i miss having you in my life again.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

listening to: Mudhoney - Touch Me I'm Sick

god, it's been so long since i last posted an entry.
I'll update more frequently, i promise :D

Too many things has happened, too many shocking news i've received.
Too many things I've realised about too many people.

I seriously don't know where to start. HAHA
but whatever it is, i just can't wait to say this,


i can rock&roll all night, and party everyday!
busy having fun now :D

okay till next time, suckas.
have fun in school/work ! HAHAHA.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

First ever batch to take a class photo together!
Awesome batch, awesome people.

Listening to; The Who - Baba O'riley

The clock was ticking, my heart was racing.

My facial muscles strained, should i be smilling or frowning?

After all those days I've been through without you,

leaping forward at every hurdles that comes in the way.

Fighting and shrugging off the thought of you

Why now, Sexy? Why now?

Hold it against me, still don't bother.

Satisfaction grew deeper, faith grew stronger
Now that you're here, everything's so numb.

I'm sorry but I'm so much better off without you

Curled up in bed, questions still running around in my head
Why is it impossible for me to be happy, all smiles
Running around instead of those questions that's running in my head?

No doubt, you turned me into what I am now

Well, not that chesty but I'm still a woman

That's not skinny, but still curvy ;)

It's been years now,

you running in and out of my life
I'm sick of this silly game.
Looking for the day you'll finally go away


Bottom line,
i am finally not able to fast.
So much for thinking I thought i could fast the whole month.
Not until 15 minutes before break fast today,
i just had to go to the toilet.
Yes, it's definitely the reason why I screamed.
Just a few more days to go! To be specific, 4 more days!
Ah, only if it came 15 minutes after.
So depressing.

And Zw was overjoyed,

Zw: Woooohooooo! So let's have ice cream with Jeff on Monday instead of Thursday!

We've already made a list on what to eat and where, for after Ramadhan.
Guess we shouldn't wait any longer, should we?

*Lo'loo came to my house to "break fast". I HAD FUN WITH YOU, BABE! "
[insert smiley]




Good luck for O levels everyone,

we're gonna get through this together!

We can do it, i know we can.

Cheers :D

Dazed and Confused
