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This Is My Show

Shakz Kimchi

I'm like an American but I don't have guns.

I write what i like, not to please you. So if you're not interested, you don't have to leave. It enthralles the shit outta me.

I am not boy-lingual.Thank you.

hearts talking.

alternative exits.

my days, not yours.

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's been almost a year.

Well, guess what. I'm here to ignite this lifeless thing back to life.

Let's kick some butt.

I am still crazy and hyper and still trying my best to try and keep my mouth shut.

Have a bunch of crazy classmates and football mates.

Yes, i still love running around for just one stupid ball.

Talking about it, it's been a while.

People come and go in life, it's something inevitable.

Even your old friends, there's so many of them.

But only the few remains while the rest don't know what happens to them.

Erwany, Laila and Andrea.

I miss you guys, truckloads.

24th October 2009 - yesterday;

Happy 3rd Death Anniversary, Danil Shagimardanov.

How time flies so fast. 3 years IS long.

People may think i overreact, but screw them.

I miss you too, i really do.

Hope you're still kickin' ass too, somewhere (:

And happy 19th, dude.

It's been a year since i met them who went over to your place yesterday,

i guess it's the only time we could meet up and try to catch up.

But i don't see the point for catching up. Don't ask me why.

And oh yeah, it's uncool to be cool.


Taper Jeans Girl - Kings of Leon

