[Listening to: Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Bestshot]
This goes out to all the angsty ladies who's having a hard time dealing with those total idiots whom we refer to as, MEN.
Well, whether you like it or not, we all know that armageddon is coming after our bahookies(butts).
(Don't even get me started on 2012 cause personally, i think it's bullcrap.)
So anyways, the Holy Qur'an states that there'll be more women than men. I'm not saying that you should now turn your head to people from the same sex BUT, let me amplify what happens next.
Being the chauvinists bunch of creatures having a banana between two oranges, we'll only feed to their ego due to the fact that there'll be more competition in women getting men. Majority of women depends on men, since men make their world go round *like how my eyes rolling now when i typed that* On the contrary, men will feel vastly worshipped, leading to the severe inflatation of their heads.
From this, women will be looked as desperados and will always be at the loosing end.
Why is that so? It's because men tend to leave us, the women, when we screw the smallest things up. Or when they start to find things are getting mundane.
So you shitheads who's having a hard time with them,
you better be off going and NOT look back.
And for you who thinks that you're so lucky to have find the right one, start planning on how to keep your man right next to you. Remember, always be exciting.
The bottom line, men are superficial as they are made to be. Never be to vulnerable.
Now, let's all turn to a tough cookie :D
I'm definitely not interested with their silly games. Or am i? D: Haaahaa.
And so here are some random pictures.
Try fitting in Ahmad Adam, Seowling, Daming, Lihui and Jeff into the picture.
ANDREA EE ZIWEI's Sweet-16 surprise party!
I'm sure you had an awesome time, chica!
The few weeks of self-planning turned out great.
You totally didn't know what's happening.
Thank you
Hanisah, Joey, Jolyn, Erwany, Ayu, Ian, Benny, Kenneth, Daryl and Kenneth.