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This Is My Show

Shakz Kimchi

I'm like an American but I don't have guns.

I write what i like, not to please you. So if you're not interested, you don't have to leave. It enthralles the shit outta me.

I am not boy-lingual.Thank you.

hearts talking.

alternative exits.

my days, not yours.

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Friday, August 29, 2008

Webcam session with MONA the other day, was insane!

We had soooo much fun for hours!

There was this point of time when i was listening to


I told her to listen to its as well, and asked her to stand up.

&& well of course,

the two of us ended up dancing at about 2plus in the morning!

Yes, while looking at each other in the webcam.

Had sucha hella good time.

I missssssss her so much, please!

Meet-up session with her never seem to take place,

Due to our bad timings that enjoy clashing with each other. Grrrrrrr


And looooove,

i hope you'll get over the sucky experience during the check-up yea?

but i still couldn't get over the fact that i was not THERE.

you know i know *winks.


28th August 2008


me: so how you gonna celebrate your birthday?
him: oh don't know actually. Well if I could get anything for my bday,
it would be to stop studying and just live the rest of my life
in the most fun way possible. Haga

You know I already put an alarm at 12midnight as expected of me.
Unfortunately, i fell asleep before that cause I was totally drained out of energy.
I fell asleep at about 1030pm,
while I was typing the sms to send him right at the dot of midnight.

And what could get even worse,
my phone is 7mins faster than the normal time.
So when it rang at 1200 (1153pm the real time)
i thought to myself that i didn't wanna be known as to kiasu to send him at that time,
so i took my time typing.
Miserably, i feel asleep again.
And only sent him the msg at 1213am.
Yes, 1205am the exact time

"Thanks, haga. This is like the fifth
message i
got. But can't feeling abit sad
some people can't be
here to celebrate.
Haga :):)"

Gibberish? I KNOW.
So i only got the msg the next morning.

Me: Oh man, i wanted to be the first!
Him: Nah, it's okay. I think i was bornfew minutes past midnight
so you probably wished me the most accurate.

sweet talking at its best! ;)

ps; if only you had known...


Thursday, August 28, 2008

How many of you are standing on the same ground as me?
Preliminary exam's being such a bummer, lacking the space to breathe.
About to loose your sanity?

And how many of you just like me, hoping for some brilliant getaway
you could elope to with your loved ones. Someone from the opposite sex preferably?

(Ewww, that's too cheesy please.)

I bet you, hot babes

will loooooooooove this place as much as I do!

Redang Island, Malaysia!

It's the purrrrrrfect place for you to 'de-stress'.
&& Also the perfect time for you babes to have a sun-kissed skin!

The 4 days I went there were simply magnificent!

Even now when I'm typing this post,

there's this sedate excitement of an indescribable feeling overcoming me.

Blowing me slowly with I'm left with what's left Redang Islang -


The serene beauty of the beach will simply take your smelly breath away.

Just imagine,

your feet being embedded in the white sands of the purest kind,
the sound of the waves soothing the savage box in your worried mind.

Never did I regret a single bit going with those 5 coolest people,

They are...

Kak Shidah(cousin),

The torn among the roses -

Abang Shareen(cousin's husband),

i was busy having fun as soon as i set my foot there.

but not for him

cause sadly, he had to deal with the Curse of Redang.


ok moving on.

Kak Yana(cousin's husband's sister. LOOOL),

Hamid (Mariana's bf)

&& Mariana (Hamid's gf).

The BABES. (loooooooooooool)

Seriously, it was a tremendous experience!
Oh, did i mention? The 5 of them are certified divers.

SOOOOOOOOO imagine how jealous i got when they went for diving!

But nonetheless, I had a good time too.

Guess what I got for being jealoused?


Not only that, I was being treated like a princess.

I had like a bunch of guys taking care of me,

as directed by Kak Shidah.

They were amazingly friendly and so fun to hang out with.

But i must add,

there were times when i feel like a complete idiot

when they started conversing in their language,

forgetting the fact that I'm a Singaporean. HAHA.

So here they are,

Oh and the best part,

you know we went to a spot to snorkel,

there were like 2 boats filled with snorkelers (families),

And like 5 families assigned to one of them from above,

anddddddddddd I, on the other hand,

had a 1-on-1 snorkeling session with Abang Mat!

*jumping eyebrows*

This friendly giant, above, became my father for 3 days!

After getting tired of swimming, all i had to do was to hold his hand.

He is an aaaaamazing swimmer.

Abang Mat brought me to see a shipwreck,

which was located at a point where all the other snorkellers were prohibited to go to.

The corals there were exceptionally beautiful, please!

And you know,
we were given one loaf of bread.

No, not for us, but for the fishes

You just imagine (yes, imagine again!),

about a hundred count of fishes swimming underneath you

for the bread in your hands!

I remembered the during the first time,

i got a few bites (which doesn't hurt at all, but was very shocking. *SNAPSNAP*)

on my fingers, holding the bread.

With the breathing tube in my mouth,

i shrieked, allowing myself to enjoy the few gulps of seawater -___-"

But seriously, the scenery underwater was simply randishing!

Another reason why I wanna go deeper into the depth of the sea,


Hahahaha. Soon soon, after O levels! Inshallah.

Who's with me?

Okay, i just realised that the post is like never ending.
Haha. Sorry! =X
So imma just let the pictures do the talking aight? ((:

Courtesy of Shamsidah (:

This was after snorkeling, and i was walking till i decided to SNAP.

On the back to boring Singapore.

I somehow miss my piercings now! Smiley.
And the group photo taking session before we left,
Oh and this guy over here is the funniest guy there, i swear!
Abang Zuki
I loooooooove his sense of humour.

Dated 14 March 2008
Till next time,
i miss each and everyone of them so badly!

I am searching for the words to say,
but i just dont't know where to start.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

listening to Closer by Ne-yo, that uglay monster. HAHA


Girls, tell me. Be engaged or get married straight?

What's the difference anyway?
I can never get it.

From MY point of view,
i think engagement is a waste of money.
Why splurge so much on a day, that MIGHT not work out in the end?

(Let me repeat, MY POINT OF VIEW. no offense.)

But of course,

it'll be so cool if things work out really well,

and and the big day comes

and and you get to put on a lot of make up

and and you get to wear nice pretty dresses

and and you can't breathe half of the time because the dress might be too tight

and and you get to put on henna

and and you get someone to set up your hair

and and you get all eyes watching you with envy

and and you get to see the way people gobble up good Nasi Bryani from where you're sittin

and and you get to camwhore with aunts and uncles you never thought you'd camwhore with

and and you get to feel your cheeks get all so tight from smiling too much

and and you see your life companion sitting next to you

and and you feel all excited thinking that you guys are now husband and wife

and and you start thinking about the bed you guys gonna share

and and you start thinking about what happens next...

and okay, shut up.

But honestly speaking,
I think I wannaaaaaaaaaa get engaged!

No fancy reason,
only for the fact that I like the address, 'FIANCE'.

Stranger: Are you his girlfriend?
ME: Hell no, I'm not! I'm his FIANCE! *rolls eye and walks away*



I would like to congratulate Kakak Rosnah and FIANCE *winks*,
for their engagement. May you guys last till the big day,
okay that sounded rudely wrong, i'm sorry.


Kakak if you're reading this,
you looked sooooooo prettaye on your engagement day!
And I'm so happy for you ((:
Best wishes.

Ash neneh pok,
so when is your turn to get engaged? or or marrrrried?

no, you don't hafta answer that.
answer this first.

@&^^%^$&^(&%^ !!

And, I soooo want the photos please.

Oh, this yellow banana here is my a n n o y i n g sister.
And you should be the one for me to ask,

when are YOU settling down?
I need to be good wallflower and play pretty.

Oh should i stress that,
you have my 100% approval ONLY with that hot lad sittin' next to you.
*whispers* Kak Op, he looks exactly like Abg A...
another hotstuff. hehe

Elly and Farah
Do they look alike?
But they ARE alike in the irritating way.

Have a good day, suckers.


to you,
i've had had enough, Bby.
You annoying prick.


Tags reply;

waneh neh: ramz ramz

vanoraa: hahs. i thought i already sent them to your hp! tsk. and wheres the pics youre supposed to send to my email. ill mail them pictures to you pretty soon. loves you darling!
SHAKZ: yes, you did but only the pics of me and him. I WANT THE REST. hahaha. oh yes, thanks for reminding, i keep forgetting. teehee. MWA!

seri: babe! i already link you lah!haha.meet up soon!=)
SHAKZ: linked you up too, love. YES MEET UP SOON! with affahbby.

Sophisticated: eh not forgetting, imy, imy2, ily, ily2,irmy or WTF...hahahahahahaha. Have a great day!
Sophisticated: Heh! Finally, updated blog. Btw, its pilgrimage not pilmi..wadeva u spell it. Update more often yah~ and also, for the monroe, its $15? Soo cheap? Is it painful?
SHAKZ: Firstly, the piercing is no pain at all. Why interested? HAAHAHAHHA.
Secondly, eh why you seboksebok. imy ke ily ke iwfy ke. you jealous right no one says that to you. hahahah. JOKES BABE JOKES.
