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This Is My Show

Shakz Kimchi

I'm like an American but I don't have guns.

I write what i like, not to please you. So if you're not interested, you don't have to leave. It enthralles the shit outta me.

I am not boy-lingual.Thank you.

hearts talking.

alternative exits.

my days, not yours.

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dear Danil,
I hope you're at peace where ever you may be.
Gosh, all the times we spent seem like yesterday.

So here it goes;
Two years ago, on 24th October 2006, was Danil's 17th birthday.
It went on conjuction with Hari Raya Puasa. On Tuesday.
I already bought him his birthday gift.
Eeyore marshmallow pillow,
since he wanted the same birthday gift i got for Adam,
my bf then.

I can still remember that particular Monday.
Danil, being the jackass,
came to school feeling so high cause he went clubbing the previous day.
He showed me how he danced, and gave me quite a number of lapdances.

We also managed to plan some exciting events as we were gonna have our December holiday.
Trips to escape themepark, movies and clubs, did not come as planned.

(I'm tearing up, yet again.)
Okay i've repeated this whole story for idk how many times!

So let me just cut it short,
Danil Shagimardanov left us on his 16th Birthday.
He didn't wake up from his sleep in the morning
when his family went into his room to wake him up
with a birthday song! (Just so you know, his parents are musicians. Like him.)

He was facing the other side when his family came in.
They sang it once, no response.
They thought he'd wake up if they'd sing it louder for the second time.
And there goes the second time, much much louder.

But to no avail.

They turned him around.
Sadly, he was already blue. (fuck, this tears wont stop falling)

Despite the fact that he was already gone,
his dad still tried to ignite him back to life.
CPR, shook him, whatever, you name it.
and his mom won't stop screaming.


On Wednesday, i came to school late.
And yes, we were all still oblivious to his death.
Excited as any other day to see the two jackasses- Adam&Danil.
And I was excited too cause we already planned to go out after school.

(Danil wanted to get me JollyShandy as his treat. HAHAHA. Shut up)
Then it was weird, I saw Adam walking around in school
without Danil.

I could already sense something was amissed,
Danil not in school the day after his birthday? Impossible.


I was about to put on my make-up cause the concert was about to start,
and i was the MC.
Adam came to me with Mona, I could somehow smell the stinking truth
from the look on their faces, Mona's tearing eyes.

"Babe, Danil died yesterday morning. Mdm L just called his house to confirm
if the rumour was true."

"You kidding right? You..."
My limbs felt weak, my whole weight came crashing down to the floor.

It started with a nugget ball of pain, then i realised i was choking on the ball of agony.
Most of the teachers came to look for me as soon as they received the news.
Like my chemistry teacher then, Mrs Lim. ( IMISSYOUSOMUCH!)
They thought i was with Danil, as in, his girlfriend, girlfriend. Yes that girlfriend.

I can never forget the day, deeply etched inside me.
The chair, pulled next to my table was still there.
His 7-up bottles under his table.
The unfinished fish/chicken burgers under his table.


Went to chua chu kang crematorium for the last service.
I couldn't help but to hear myself screaming for him to wake up to tell me
that all it was was a big fat ugly prank he had on me.


Till today, i know these people have yet to get over the whole death issue.

and myself.


After a year, going to 2 years now, I've not dealt fully with his death.
The whole impact was grotesque.

I'm missing you till bits, crazy.

We'll always be missing you;

Erwani, Mona, Aidil and the rest i mentioned above and who genuinely treats you as a friend

right from the start and not since you've been gone.

Danil Shagimardanov

24th October 1990 - 24th October 2006

I'll keep you lock in my head, until we meet again.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

I didn't go school again today.

Tsk, been sick for 2 days now.
It wasn't my fault for playing in the pouring rain.

I already tried my best to resist the temptation which is very much supreme.

Besides, there was no shelter from school to the bus stop.
So here am i updating my blog for you entertaintment, yes? HAHAHAH :D

Today, i kept reminiscing about my past.
The gooooooooood and care-free times.

I miss my past, i swear. I miss my old self - physically and mentally
I miss soccer,
I miss being so tanned,
I miss laughing out loud,
I miss the fun Nur Erwani, Laila Shakban & Shakyna Ramlee used to have la!

Ultimately, I miss Danil Shagimardanov Zulfarovich.

My late best friend, my other "BOYFRIEND".

The memories can't be replaced; the best times.

I can still remember our Getting Smart method,
slamming textbooks hard onto our heads
hoping that our heads will absorbed whatever shenanigan(shit) inside it.

The day You, Creedence, Adam & I
climbed the crazy flock of staircases till the roof top
at The Rumps condominium opposite Kembangan MRT.
The same day you rejected the dare when Adam & I dared the two of you to be lip-locked.


The awesome times i had, had with the two of you.

Adam & Danil; My Two Superheroes

Oh this is the day when Adam wore my half-jacket in TOWN. hahaha

Dude, you have no idea how much i missed you!

I miss you calling my name,
I miss your vulgarities song,
I miss listening to you singing songs from The System Of A Down,
I miss you watching you disturbing Munisha,
I miss those piggy-back rides.

Gosh, i miss you terribly.

Sometimes, Adam & I ponder on what you would be doing now.

The impact of you leaving us was grotesque.

School became morbid as ever when you left,
no one running around doing crazy stuff like -
dressing up as a Dracula using the piano cover as a cloak.

No one to head-butt me,
No one to give me a lapdance.
No one to dance with me in class.

Now, I have to face the teachers alone for not handing up work.

May peace be with you where ever you may be.

I miss you, jackass!


(I'll tell you guys further details on the day he died, in my next entry.)

Saturday, 20th July 2008 - The Mighty 6 Meet Up Session

Finally i get to meet this bacin here!
Now that she has started working, i know i won't get to meet her often.

Moving on...
Lynn & I met up first at Hougang,
then we went to meet BABYGIRLS at Cityhall around 1900hr.
initially, we were all supposed to meet up at 1730hr! :S

Affah, Farrah & Munnie came first, at 1800hr.

okay diam, i know how long me and lynn made them wait.

Munnie called this JANJI MELAYU kan kan kan?

hahahaha. soooooooooorry babygirls! :(

By the time we came, Affah and Munnie walking around,

Farrah went to meet her bf first.


Despite the fact that they waited for us about an hour and a half,
we had a hellllllll of a good time after that, i swear!
FarrahRocher&Isha, you two should've been with us.

I laughed till my face became like TOMATO.
especially with Affah la, her melatah, damn funny!


haha. ily, Affahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *giggles

After the great dinner we had at LJS(not the food, but the time spent laughing)

Isha came at about 8plus, she was from school.
She had a camp before that. So imagine eh,
my darling came all the from Temasek Poly,
to Marina to meet us. Oh oh, with her CAMP BAG as well.
Sweet right right right? I know!
ily, Isha!

Apis Farrel came to join us as well after work,
hope you're feeling better now eh!
If not, get well soon! :D

So then we headed to marina steps to slack.
Another helllllllllll of a good time, yo!

This time, The Mighty 6 were all present.
Farrah came to join us!

Of course, what else can we do besides camwhoring eh?
Here are some of the 70pics.

Oooooooooh, and guess who i saw?


After such a looooooooooooooooong time,
i finally get to see this Apek here.


I was shocked to see him,
he was shocked to see me.

I'm bigger now, i know. HAHAHA

"Last time, you.... Skrg what happened?"

FUCK! Gym session anyone! _!_


On the whole, i had a blast!

The fun was DYNAMIC!

Girls, let's make this meet up session on a regular basis please?
Farrah, Munnie & Isha, study session soon?

Now, i'm gonna seize this opportunity to show you guys some pics.

Here you go.

The Mighty 6;







Sunday, 24th July 2008

Okay this is rather random,
but guess who texted me?


*winks to Munnie :D

Hahahaha. Thanks eh azmi (:
Okay you know why this is rather weird?

Last time,
Azlan & I had this weird thing going on.

Not for a few months, but pretty long aye?
About 1 year plus.

The countless messages and long conversations.


Monday, 22nd July 2008

Rather gloomy and wet day.
The rain seemed like it wouldn't stop pouring.
Reminds me of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire somehow;
when the next day when Cedric died.

The whole world seemed gloomy.

Okay, doesn't make sense i know.


Oh Adam,
hope your ear infection get well soon aye


okay, i don't see this post going anywhere.
till next time
; I can hear your breath bragging still.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hey You.
I think you ought to know why i'm no longer talking to You.
(It's a girl, so much for calling her a BEST friend.)

First of all,
you need to understand and realise that, you.like.to.brag. ALOT!
How often and what do you brag about?


Do you have any clue how irrating it is?

Just like the dopey pimple i had on my eyelid.
Ghastly annoying -.-"

"You know i got alot of friends. I know him, i know her...." Really?
"Oh, my mom had this $300 Chanel sunglasses." So what?
"I used to get first for English in Sec 1 & 2." Then what happened now?
"Yeah, i know that song since I was in blahblahblah." Wow..........
"No, i know. The owner of the pool place is my friend." Shut the fuck up.

At times, i feel like shoving a smelly wet sock up that cakehole(mouth) of yours.
Or just hurl up and die,
than to hear you brag, especially about him, for every god damn day.

You definitely talked about me behind my back,
and act that oh-so-good "best friend" in front of me.
WTF, you know i don't buy all this shit.
I should have realise this from the start when you started bitchin' about
your BEST FRIEND(s) to me.
You're capable of doing it to them, you're capable of doing that to me.

Third and finally,
that bloody mouth of yours just couldn't keep shut, huh?
You had to tell someone about my one-of-the-most-craziest secret.
Remember the one i told you about at your house?
The secret that you swore you won't tell anybody?
Some kind of a best friend you are.
I definitely don't need you no more,
i know better now who to call a BEST FRIEND.

This superficial skinny idiot whom i usually refer to Dumb Dumb,
My Bestfriend, My Love, My Drama Queen.

I won't forget the days we had FLUFFY& get all messy!

When I still had that streak of blonde on the first day of this term.

"Do you know that I can touch my chin with my tongue?" HAHA

My 17th birthday kiss at Sakae. HAGA *winks. i know you know

Bitches with CLASS, mind you.

The day when it all started. She got angry and ignored me.
She was reading her book, and i was happily camwhoring.
Ignorance is bliss, aye? HAHAHAHA

But we're good now, or even better. We hafta thank YOU!

My Recess Laughing Partner

We're having more fun without you

Of course, we know you're having a real good time too.

You're back with your old best friend

whom you used to call her a, Flirt.

She is still now, isn't she? So are you gonna be one too?


Whatever, here's just three words for You;

Fcuk Off, Bitch.

You can mess with her,

but definitely not with me.

Can you see the line? Yeah, you're on the other side.
